Monday, November 27, 2006

Loving the linkage

I've taken a couple of minutes to update my blog links, folks, so without further ado, please welcome:

Blather Blog
Keep It Foolish
A Wild Young Under-Whimsy
Fluffy as a Cat
Broken Left Leg

And in the Gay Blogs section:

The Pink Pen
Stephen from Melbourne
My Life in the Slow Lane
Evol Kween
Best Gay Blogs
If I Bite You Hard Enough

Click, read, enjoy!


Anonymous said...

This is truly amazing technology, that allows our community to thrive the way it does. Thank you for your posts on The Pink Pen. I shall link your page. Ignore the nasty comment suggesting you can't write: they were wrong!

Anonymous said...

Hey thats me! thanks for linking me.
Cheers mate

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link!

richardwatts said...
